The Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language

Posted by Tisha Harris on 7/1/2024

The Benefits of Learning A Foreign Language

At The Classical Academy (TCA), we hold a deep commitment to providing students with a comprehensive education that extends beyond conventional boundaries. Integral to this philosophy is our emphasis on language learning, particularly Latin, which serves as a cornerstone of our curriculum. In this article, we delve into the significance of language acquisition, the rationale behind our focus on Latin, and the broader foreign language requirements for our students.

The Value of Language Learning

Language learning is more than mere communication. The learning fosters cognitive development, cultural understanding, and global citizenship. Research consistently demonstrates the cognitive benefits of bilingualism, such as enhanced problem-solving skills, improved memory, and increased multitasking abilities. In addition, language proficiency opens doors to the appreciation of diverse cultures and their people.

Nurturing Cultural Fluency

An important face of our language curriculum at TCA is the cultivation of cultural fluency. This encompasses an understanding of diverse customs, traditions, and perspectives. By introducing students in the linguistic and cultural nuances of other languages, we help them develop empathy and appreciation for the rich tapestry of human experience.

Empowering Future Leaders

TCA is constantly working to develop exemplary citizens. We believe that one way to do that is to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in an increasingly complex global landscape. Language proficiency serves as a catalyst for personal and professional growth. It can open doors to diverse career opportunities and enhance global competitiveness.

Encouraging Lifelong Learning

Beyond the confines of formal education, language proficiency helps develop a lifelong love of learning and intellectual curiosity. By instilling a passion for language and culture, we empower students to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal enrichment. That could be exploring literature. Or it could be traveling to other countries and engaging native speakers. Language proficiency opens doors to endless opportunities for growth and exploration.

Language Requirements at TCA

Elementary Students: Our elementary students, grades 1-6, begin their foreign language journey with Spanish. This not only teaches them this useful skill, but it lays the groundwork for future language learning. As students progress, they learn structures and versatility that will serve them later.

Middle School Students: 7th and 8th grade students are required to study Latin. TCA has one of the largest Classics programs in the state of Colorado and Latin is at its core.

High School Students: 9th-grade students are required to read the Iliad of Homer. All high school students are required to complete 3 years of foreign language education. Currently, they can choose from Spanish, French or Latin. Students who are already proficient in one of these are encouraged to try another.

Latin: The Cornerstone of Classical Education

At TCA, Latin holds a central position in our curriculum. We require all 7th and 8th graders to study the language. But why Latin? Some may question its relevance in our modern world. However, Latin serves as a pillar of Western civilization, and we see it in various facets of contemporary society. Here are some specific reasons:

  • Historical Significance: Roman language and culture underpin many aspects of American values and institutions. The Romans pioneered democratic principles, which form the cornerstone of modern governance in the United States. Latin influences abound in our daily lives, from legal terminology to scientific nomenclature.
  • Cultural Literacy: Proficiency in Latin enriches cultural literacy by delving into mythology, history, and etymology. For instance, understanding Latin roots reveals the origins of words like "amateur” and "venison," shedding light on their meanings and historical contexts.
  • Logical Framework: Learning Latin instills a systematic approach to language, unveiling the underlying logic and structure of linguistic constructs. Students learn to discern patterns and relationships within language. This enhances critical thinking skills and analytical prowess.
  • Gateway to Modern Languages: Latin also serves as a precursor to modern Romance languages such as Italian, Spanish, and French. Mastery of Latin lays a solid foundation for navigating these languages, facilitating smoother acquisition and comprehension.

Embracing Tradition, Cultivating Character

Beyond its practical implications, Latin embodies the ethos of TCA, encapsulating our commitment to tradition, character, and intellectual rigor. By immersing students in this classical language, we impart timeless virtues and values that echo across generations.

  • Roots in Tradition: Latin encapsulates the rich history of classical civilization, providing a gateway to ancient wisdom, literature, and philosophy. Through the study of Latin, students forge a deeper connection with our historical heritage.
  • Building Character: The discipline of studying Latin cultivates resilience, discipline, and intellectual curiosity. Students navigate complex grammatical structures and linguistic nuances, developing their perseverance and sharpening their problem-solving skills.

Read more about our Latin requirement here.

At TCA, our foreign language requirements reflect our commitment to holistic education, grounded in tradition, scholarship, and character development. Through the study of Latin and other languages, we empower students to unlock new horizons, deepen their understanding of the world, and cultivate enduring values that transcend time. We prepare students to navigate an interconnected world with confidence.